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ProductFileGDSStatusBug inFixed inFixed onIRProblemSolutionMore
 FlightAPI  HH-Hosting No GDS Serious   Not yetHHSUP-16658 This is a PLANNED WORK (PW) No ... 
 FlightAPI  HH-Hosting All GDS URGENT not a bug  Not yetn/a Our provider had 2 o ... 
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 HH-Hosting No GDS URGENT  Not yetHHSUP-12173 Many timeouts occurring for we ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious Not a HH bug  Not yetHHSUP-11265 Farelogix will be installing c ... 
 Amadeus  N/A AMA URGENT Not a HH bug  Not yet Currently we see on all AMA PC ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious Not a bug.  Not yetN/A Dear Valued LHG Customer, ther ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious n/a  Not yetn/a Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FareLogix  HH-Hosting FareLogix Serious -  Not yetn/a Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious n/a  Not yetHHSUP-10576 Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious ---  Not yetn/a Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious   Not yetn/a Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious   Not yetn/a Dear Valued Customer, Farelogi ... 
 FlightAPI  HH-Hosting All GDS URGENT n/a  Not yetn/a It seems, our hosting provider ... We did not get a final notific ...
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix URGENT   12.03.2021N/A LHG NDC API - System Informati ... A fix has been deployed to pro ...
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious   17.12.2020n/a LHG NDC API - System Informati ... Solved 17.12.2020.
 FlightAPI  HH-Hosting AMA URGENT   30.09.2020HHSUP-9322 A lot of GetFares on AMA (prob ... Currently, AMA returns fares a ...
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix URGENT   18.11.2019N/A Info from Farelogix: Dear V ... Issue was solved on the Farelo ...
 FareLogix  HH-Hosting FareLogix Serious   30.07.2019n/a Info from Farelogix: Dear V ... Info from Farelogix: Dear V ...
 FareLogix  HH-Hosting FareLogix Serious   11.01.2019HHSUP-4540 Currently, we often get from F ... Issue was fixed on FLX site, w ...
 FareLogix  HH-Hosting FareLogix URGENT   03.01.20199n/a Currently we have a problem to ... Answer from FLX: We are again  ...
 FareLogix  HH-Hosting FareLogix URGENT   12.12.2018n/a The FareLogix system is curren ... We did not get an info from Fa ...
 FareLogix  N/A FareLogix Serious   04.07.2018n/a Dear Customers, We are current ... Dear Customers, The issue with ...
 Amadeus  HH-Hosting AMA URGENT   02.07.2018HHSUP-2979 Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ... Guten Tag, die Störung ist be ...
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL URGENT   26.06.2018n/a Currently, no any Galileo PCC, ... Seems to be ok now. Still no i ...
 FlightAPI  N/A FareLogix Serious  Not a HH bug  Not yet From Farelogix Helpdesk: Pleas ... 
 FlightAPI  N/A FareLogix Serious Not a HH bug  04.07.2017 From Farelogix Helpdesk: Pleas ... From Farelogix Helpdesk: Pleas ...
 FlightAPI  HH-Hosting FareLogix Serious Not a HH bug  03.07.2017 From Farelogix Helpdesk: We ar ... From Farelogix Helpdesk: Below ...
 Amadeus  N/A AMA Serious n/a  Yesn/a Ladies and Gentlemen, we would ... No more information from Amade ...
 Amadeus  HH-Hosting AMA URGENT   09.05.2016n/a Currently we can not get any s ... We did not get any information ...
 Galileo  N/A GAL URGENT   23.10.2014divers We see again thousands of erro ... No errors since 11:28 (Central ...
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL Serious Not a HH bug.  09.09.2014no IR GAL support wrote: Currently  ... GAL support wrote: Traffic fl ...
 Galileo  N/A GAL URGENT not a HH Bug  01.09.2014divers All tax requests for net fares ... Already solved by GAL.
 Amadeus  HH-Hosting AMA Serious   07.08.2013AMA: 7300709 Amadeus issue. Response for AI ... Info from AMA: All pricing was ...
 IBE 3.6 HH-Hosting All GDS Serious 22.07.2013n/a Today we had an issue with IBE ... Please check all failed bookin ...
 Galileo  N/A GAL Serious   05.12.2012n/a Info from Travelport: We are c ... The issue with Travelport Cach ...
 IBE 3.6 HH-Hosting All GDS URGENT 10.05.20121204-0185 Heavy IBE restarts resulting i ... 
 IBE 3.6 HH-Hosting AMA Serious   14.11.2011n/a This concerns AMADEUS fareq ... This has been solved by AMADEU ...
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL Serious   Not yet1107-0256 Please be advised that Travelp ... 
 Galileo  N/A GAL Serious Not a HH bug. 15.06.2011n/a Galileo changed the Fare Guara ... Implemented in
 IBE 3.6 HH-Hosting GAL URGENT   09.06.20111106-0005 It seems, there is a major GAL ... Fixed
 IBE 3.6 N/A All GDS Serious   Not yet1104-0026 Info from Travelport: Actually ... 
 Consumer (B2C) 4.8 HH-Hosting No GDS URGENT 4.0 4.0 28.12.20101012-0460 This error happens in Internet ... We have developed a workaround ...
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 WebFareVirginBlue.dll No GDS Serious   06.10.2010n/a Virgin Blue API - Migration Ba ... We are pleased to confirm that ...
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 WebFareNewSkiesScreen.dll No GDS URGENT   21.09.20101009-2242 The RyanAir site is down due t ... FR BOOKING ENGINE FULLY RE ...
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 WebFareNewSkies.dll No GDS Serious   20.09.20101009-2226 TUIfly: The payment provider h ... The technical issue causing th ...
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 WebFareVirginBlue.dll No GDS Serious   18.09.2010n/a Outage on Friday the 17th of S ... Fixed
 Web Fare Engine  4.2 WebFareNewSkies.dll No GDS Serious   31.05.2010n/a 4U has announced, that they wi ... Fixed
 Galileo  N/A GAL Serious   21.05.2010n/a RB function does not work; all ... Fixed
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL Serious   06.05.2010n/a Travelport will conduct an imp ... Fixed
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL Serious   07.05.2010n/a Commercial Operations Servic ... Galileo and LH fixed this prob ...
 Galileo  HH-Hosting GAL URGENT   08.12.2009n/a Galileo VPN link is down. Galileo fixed this issue.Galileo fixed this issue.')" onmouseout="UnTip()">...
 Entry (all versions) vfiqct32.dll No GDS URGENT 21.10.20090910-0372 No business class fare  ... The bug in the query converter ...
 Temyra B2C 3.0 HH-Hosting All GDS Serious 02.06.09 02.06.09 02.06.20090906-0010 Insurance: Temyra retur ... Fixed. Now Temyra retur ...
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